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EcoGathering: Mending

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When something is broken, we have a few choices: ignore, discard, purpose, or mend. Mending is a close cousin of fixing, but is usually more focused on bringing back together. Moreover, mending does not necessarily seek to result in an invisible repair.

EcoGather Collaborating Artist Nina Montenegro is also the author of a lovely book full of practical and heart-centered advice for leading what she and her sister/co-author Sonya call Mending Life. They tell us "[m]ending encourages us to cherish our things by repairing them rather than discarding them by rediscovering intimate connection and preciousness, so integral to our well-being as humans."

In this generative session, we’ll first gather up the broken bits; then, we’ll sort through what to do with each part. Participants are invited to tenderly carry their own brokenness into the space and seek support in figuring out how to approach their own mending processes. After all, as the Montenegro sisters remind us, mending "strengthens not only the object we are repairing, but ourselves as well."

Recommended resources for this EcoGathering:

September 19

EcoGathering: Diagonalism

October 1

EcoGathering: Hospicing