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EcoGathering: Solidarity

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Rather than another searching, stimulating conversation about abstract concepts, we'll work on applying the idea of solidarity and its activation in a collapse-responsive manner. To do this, we will examine Deepa Iyer's Social Change Ecosystem Map, which helpfully elaborates ten roles that people and organizations often show up in when they are participating in social change efforts. After reviewing this resource, we will take a pass at co-creating an alternate version suited for the end of the world as we know it. We will brainstorm the roles needed to support shared safety as things fall apart, to protect the more-than-human world, to preserve possibility for future generations, to reorient ways of knowing, doing, being, belonging, and to invent and manifest new worlds. We'll consider this in both abstract and specific ways, asking ourselves what roles are needed and what roles can I (or others in my network) readily fill. By the end of the session, we aim to have a draft framework to share and refine within and beyond EcoGather, to test in our place-based communities, and to share with other collapse-responsive groups.

Recommended resources for this gathering:

  1. Deepa Iyer: Social Change Ecosystem Map

  2. Astra Taylor & Leah Hunt-Hendrix: Only Solidarity Can Save the Planet

  3. John Halstead: Where the Sidewalk Cracks - Interstitial Insurrection

  4. David Fleming: Reciprocity and Cooperation from Lean Logic

July 30

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