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EcoGathering: Geometry

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Geometry is the branch of mathematics concerned with properties of space such as the distance, shape, size, and relative position of figures. While none of our hosts are especially advanced geometricians, we are all very curious about what lines we draw (and where), what theorems to employ (and when), and how we might arrange good ruins to lay the foundations for what could come next. If you've engaged with any of our sessions in this cycle, you might be starting to sense the shapes you might want to take, encourage, or align with as we re-world. (We don't expect any of you to have found a fixed new form, but we're hoping that your geometric awareness is a bit more finely attuned.)

In our final shapes session we will consider how the stories of the current arrangements take hold and spread so widely. Then, we will move into groups to construct new stories that encourage formation of new shapes and liberating geometries. Depending on the preferences of those present, our groups may focus on reshaping (a) dualism of humans and nature; (b) the binary of gender; (c) the hierarchy of white supremacy; (d) the dichotomy of socialism vs. capitalism; and/or (e)possible new shapes of diverse economies.

Recommended resources for this EcoGathering:

August 21

EcoGathering: Shape-Shifting

August 31

Regrowing a Living Culture: The Work That Is Called for Now