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Regrowing a Living Culture: The Work That Is Called for Now

EcoGather invites you to a timely conversation with Dougald Hine.

In pockets here and there, gathered around kitchen tables or in the in-between spaces of online connection (including but it no way limited to EcoGather, Surviving the Future, the Dark Mountain Project, and Ecoversities), a patchwork of conversations has been maturing over these past years. They are conversations in which we step back from the rush to action or to answers, where we hold each other in the process of "giving up” on promises that no longer make sense and responses to the crisis that turn out to be themselves a part of the crisis. It’s sobering, this work – from some angles, it can look like a twelve-step program for the winners of modernity. And there are more and more folks arriving at the doors of these meetings.

At the same time, there are questions brewing among those who have already been part of this work for a while:

  • How do we tell the story of what is worth doing now?

  • What kind of maps are worth making to help each other find paths through an uncertain landscape?

  • How do we release resources from the structures of a world that is ending to contribute to the possibility of worlds worth living for in the times to come?

  • How might we move together in the space between the crumbling familiar and the worlds we won’t live to see?

  • What are the practices that help us leave good ruins, become good ancestors?

In At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Climate Crises and Other Emergencies, Dougald Hine wrote about finding “the small paths” into the unknown world that lies ahead. In this session, as he prepares for a US tour to accompany the paperback release of this book brought forth by Chelsea Green Publications, EcoGather’s Network Weaver Nicole Civita will hold space for Dougald to share where this work has been leading over the past year. We will explore how it joins up with the conversations that EcoGather convenes. Finally, with attendees, we will surface observations and insights from which we can mobilize responses to the questions alive in this long moment.

  • Read an excerpt from At Work in the Ruins as preparation for the live session.

  • Purchase the book from Chelsea Green Publications in hardcover or pre-order the paperback (available 8.22.24) and use discount code CGP35 to receive 35% off.

  • Learn more about Dougald Hine & A School Called Home

  • Visit with Dougald on his North American book tour (details forthcoming)

Cover image of At Work In the Ruins
August 28

EcoGathering: Geometry

September 3

EcoGathering: Warp and Weft